Thursday, October 18, 2012

Robes That Bind: Shibari #3

Shibari - is a Japanese word that literally means "to tie" or "to bind". Yes, we are talking about Japanese bondage.

Model: Kassandra Love, Model Mayhem # 534380
Rigger: Serenity 9,
Set Assist: Paul T
Studio / Set Assist: Kate O'Neill Model Mayhem # 2742709
Photo: Toni Wallachy, Orangeroads Photography
Pink Panther Studio Workshop Session, Classic Nude Oct 17

Robes That Bind: Shibari #1

What a great night to get our tail feathers in a knot. Introducing a new art form and format to our studio session, it was received with very positive feed back and requests for many more to come.

Shibari - is a Japanese word that literally means "to tie" or "to bind". Yes, we are talking about Japanese bondage.

Model: Kassandra Love, Model Mayhem # 534380
Rigger: Serenity 9,
Set Assist: Paul T
Studio / Set Assist: Kate O'Neill Model Mayhem # 2742709
Photo: Toni Wallachy, Orangeroads Photography
Pink Panther Studio Workshop Session, Classic Nude Oct 17

Sunday, October 14, 2012

50 Shades of Red Hot Love

50 Shades of grey seemed (at the time) intriguing, but not necessarily over the top attention holding. Anyhow, grey really isn't a colour - right? So I say - lets show them what real excitement is through colour.

We have created a series of workshops that embrace colour to tell the story. The series will utilize the same model to help maintain a common thematic feel through the story. You can chose to attend all 3 sessions of just one. Either way - its a great way to embrace tone on tone creatively.

1st session: October 14, 11 am - 2 pm
50 Shades of Red Hot Love

Model: Model: Marii Apelo rel="nofollow">
MAUH: Eliza Tam
Photo & Styling: Toni Wallachy, orangeroads Photography

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Pears by Toni Wallachy
Pears, a photo by Toni Wallachy on Flickr.

A new studio workshop was introduced the other night - Still Life. With several stations set up, it allows small groups to collaborate to shoot various different "still" objects in a bright soft setting, or a dark more dramatic setting

Pink Panther Studio Workshop Oct 9, 2012
Photo by: Toni Wallachy, Orangeroads Photography


Harvest by Toni Wallachy
Harvest, a photo by Toni Wallachy on Flickr.
Harvest - Still Life Study
A new studio workshop was introduced the other night - Still Life. With several stations set up, it allows small groups to collaborate to shoot various different "still" objects in a bright soft setting, or a dark more dramatic setting.

Pink Panther Studio Workshop Oct 9, 2012